
We offer a wide range of payments industry training programs.

With our global experience in hand, we have gathered experts from the payments industry and created our training packages. We are very dynamic and motivated to meet what your needs. If your preference is training in your own time and at your own speed, then one of our online packages may be the solution.

Global Locations
Courses Done
Students Enrolled
Certified Trainers

What Make Us Special?

We are committed to helping our students achieve their career goals and stay ahead of the curve in the payments industry. Whether you're a new professional looking to break into the field, or an experienced veteran looking to deepen your expertise, we have a program that's right for you.
Located in US, Canada and the UK Academy Payments Inc. is a leading provider of EMV education, training and development solutions worldwide. We understand that the quality of your workforce is the greatest factor impacting your success.
Academy Payments is a leading provider of education and certification for professionals in the payments industry.
We offer a wide range of courses and programs that cover the latest technologies and trends in the field, as well as compliance and regulatory requirements.
Our team of industry experts has decades of experience working in the payments industry and is dedicated to providing high-quality training and support to our students. We believe that ongoing education and professional development is essential for success in the rapidly-evolving payments landscape.
We offer both in-person and online training options to suit the needs of a diverse student body.
Our courses are designed to be interactive, engaging, and practical, so that students can immediately apply what they've learned to their work.

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Tony Nguyen, Co-Founder

Our trainers' attributes, which make them stand out in the payments industry

They’ve spent many years working in the payments industry and have a deep understanding of the latest trends and developments.
They have a high level of knowledge and understanding of specific areas of the payments industry, such as mobile payments, digital wallets, or fraud prevention.
They have the ability to clearly and effectively convey complex information to their trainees, using a variety of teaching methods and materials.

Our Partners

Our Partners